financial advising services are priced well below the market price for similar
services. There are several reasons why we use the fee structure we do.
We are a "no-frills" service. You won't find us overnighting you 100-page reports on glossy color paper when all you need is a spreadsheet of information and a phone call. We don't believe in mass advertising just because it might be easier than more targeted marketing. We don't outsource things that we can do sufficiently ourselves (including this website) just because they might be able to look prettier. In short, if it doesn't add value to our clients, we don't want to incorporate it into our process because it would force us to raise the cost of our services
We are focused on your long-term success, and our long-term profitability. We believe that keeping costs low for you will extend our relationship (hopefully permanently), make it easier for you to achieve your goals, and therefore make us more successful. We want to profit along with you, not from you.
We believe in helping clients wherever help is needed, capability exists, and the law allows. In order to fulfill this duty we have to make our services affordable for both the wealthy and the not-yet wealthy.
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